construction paper
1st-4th grade
(The 1st grade ones were really messy....)
Ah Easter. I love bunny projects, but sometimes its hard to get the older boys on board....this year, I gave my students several images of bunnies (you can see my pinterest Easter board to get an idea of what I sketched out). I let them select a bunny pose that they liked based on some sketches that I had posted on the board. I let them make up their own bunnies too.
The first week, we drew the bunny (don't use SUPER small details, and make the bunny LARGE) with pencil on construction paper. I had pink, dark gray, pastel green and pastel blue. The dark gray looked the best, and black would've been better, but I'm almost out of black for the year. Then we squirted glue over top of the pencil lines.
Week 2
Once the glue is dry, we colored the bunnies with chalk. This was very messy. I didn't give them any restrictions with this, I just said that they had to color the entire paper, and a pattern for the background would be good. Also, since my drying wrack is tilted, some of the glue ran so they had to be creative about covering the runs. And I reminded them that the chalk is very dusty, so don't blow it around...and be careful not to smear one part while you are coloring another. If they were doing a white bunny, they had to be careful not to finger print the white. I showed them some examples of ones that were ruined by fingerprints.
A 2nd grader came up with the idea of doing eggs along the edge...and a 3rd grader made up the ninja bunny below.